Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm going to regret asking this.

K-Lo at NRO:
The first thing I saw when I approached the Pepsi Center tonight: two girls energetically passing out condoms by the giant Trojan display within the perimeter.

Who are they expecting the attendees to be doing the horizontal mambo with? Delegates and candidates mixing it up? Delegates and candidates away from home patronizing the local working girls? I've always assumed married couples who need such things are capable of making their own arrangements, but I guess I wouldn't know...

Maybe they're for the reporters and anarchists.


Amy said...

Why bother? Just get an abortion...that's what the Secular Messiah is all about, right?


Besides - condoms pollute the environment, just like the pill.

HeatherRadish said...

You'll never see a Gaia-worshipper complain about the hormones in the water as long as they believe making babies "hurts the planet." And probably not even then.

Amy said...

You'll never see a Gaia-worshipper complain about the hormones in the water as long as they believe making babies "hurts the planet." And probably not even then.

Yeah - for some reason, rights like free speech and freedom of religion and the freedom to have children are always trumped by the "right" to sleep with whom/whatever whenever and wherever. Consequences be damned.

Guess that was the 11th Amendment in the Bill of Rights they didn't cover.

HeatherRadish said...

I'm a big fan of the right to sleep with men of my choosing--and only those men. Especially because I know those rights hace only been granted to women in the West fairly recently in human history, and to women in totalitarian cultures (Islam, Soviet Communism, etc) not at all.

The "freedom to have children" is an interesting dilemma; the people who think married women should limit themselves to one--two at most--for superficial/environmental reasons seem to change their tune when very young single uneducated women have three or four kids by three or four absentee fathers. Nevermind that the former group usually grows to be productive tax-paying adults and the latter don't (before you call me a racist, check out the percentage of the prison population with no father).

But I'm not sure how to stop the latter and still maintain a free society. Tempting as it is to lock up--without conjugal visits--the unemployed young men who think fathering many babies on many girls is a signal of superior masculinity, you have to wait for them to commit a crime...

It's troublesome. I'm erring on the side of personal liberty, as much as it disgusts me.

But I'm still going to mock the hypocrisy of "eco-warriors" who ignore the serious threats to fish and wildlife because taking action would personally inconvenience them. :)