Saturday, November 1, 2008


Every year, like a wannabe-hipster, I sign up to write a novel in a month, or at least 50k words, and then by the second week I give up because I still don't know where to start. But I'm driving out to Iowa today, so I've got some time to think. I'm feeling vicious satire, but I could probably sell formula supermarket erotica (I haven't read any in twenty years, but how much could the formula have changed?). But would anyone pay to publish vicious satire of supermarket erotica? Tough call.

(I will be back to vote--sorry, just once--on Tuesday, although I'm wondering if I should have taken the whole week off, since blood doesn't run in Podunk like it does in the streets.)


Steve Burri said...

It was a dark and stormy night...

Prosqtor said...

Who is John Galt?