And a giant Obama puppet head!
I get a kick out of the Giant Heads of Mockery.
Speaking of puppet heads, when I was at the gym this morning, I caught an ad (in the middle of CNN's "100 Glorious Days of the Obamamessiah" feature) that replayed footage from His stupid two-minute campaign ad about the economy and encouraged us to call the White House and thank Him for signing the porkulus bill and saving all our jobs. It's been TWO DAYS. Not to mention I got laid off three days after the coronation...
The "paid for by" print was too small for me to read from where I was, and I'm not giving anyone the satisfaction of a YouTube search/view, so I'm hoping to read about it somewhere, because I have this sick feeling that the 2012 campaign has started already.
The ears are WAAAAAAAAY too small to be an effective head of mockery...this looks more like a head of joshing.
Good point on the ears. They're probably new at this...
Can we have a tax protest in Madison? I have enough spare time to whip up a really good bald paper-mache head...
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