Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mumbai, etc.

I was off the grid for a few days in western Ohio. It was kind of nice--between the Dayton Daily News and the local NBC news, I was kept completely ignorant of anything going on in the world except retail shopping and Bishop Alter HS winning the Div IV football championship. That was fine while I was there, as it freed me up for more important things, but now I'm going to have to spend my day (minus the Colts game) trawling the internet for actual information. (The Daily News did find a local immigrant from Mumbai who denounced the attacks and expressed sympathy for the victims and their families, and a local rabbi who knew Rabbi Holtzberg; I guess that's all local papers can do about international news in the internet age).

A Tim Hortons just opened up in Richmond, Indiana--I spent a half an hour looking for it yesterday so I could read Mark Steyn while munching on Timbits (I should learn to read his writing in the original Canadian...):
So Bush is history, and we have a new president who promises to heal the planet, and yet the jihadists don’t seem to have got the Obama message that there are no enemies, just friends we haven’t yet held talks without preconditions with. This isn’t about repudiating the Bush years, or withdrawing from Iraq, or even liquidating Israel. It’s bigger than that.

I've been wondering what Obama thinks (my money is on "Oh, shit."). So, George Bush really wasn't making up scary stories. Didn't see that coming...

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